Nextech - How to Double/Triple Book

Nextech - How to Double/Triple Book

This is not a recommended set up.

You will want to make sure all existing schedule template rules have been updated to accommodate double/triple booking prior to updating any settings under Preferences.

Schedule Templates

  1. Open the template in question from the list on the left → Click Add Rule

  2. Check mark the rule that says “that would be booked against…”

    1. The number needs to match the max allowed number of bookings for the time slot wherever that template is being used.  It should be 1 if you want to keep the slot for single booking and 2 if you want to double book.

NOTE: If the Preferences you will be updating later is going to allow Nextech as whole to at maximum double book, you do not need to create a rule that says a template can max out at 2 bookings because the new default for all of Nextech will be 2 bookings per time slot. You would only need to create rules for templates that you are trying to keep as single booking slots.

If the office is using precision templates and there are 2 different templates being used in the same time slot, and for some reason they have a different number set for each of their “booked against” rules, it will always use the lower of the two numbers.


Example of Double Booking via Precision Templates:

It would be a good idea to add a number as a part of the template name to indicate the max number of bookings allowed in that time slot when this template is being used. In this you can see (2).


Update Settings

Tools → Preferences → Scheduler Module → First Available Search → Allow booking against… (If you want a total of 3 per slot, enter the number 2, if you want double booking, enter the number 1)