drchrono - How to create a Schedule Template

drchrono - How to create a Schedule Template

Log into NextPatient → Settings → Appointments → Add a template (or you can choose to copy an existing one, then make changes)

After you click Add a template you will see the following screen:

Name- Name of the template. This has no bearing on what patients will see. It's a best practice to make this name descriptive, i.e. "Dr. Smith M-F". 

Note: This name does not drive any behavior for the schedule, it is simply for informational purposes.

Provider- Use the dropdown to select the Provider who will be using the following template. If the Provider is not in the dropdown, they need to be created first (Instructions on how do do that here)

Exam Room- Please select the correct Exam room, if applicable. Note, if you have selected an Exam Room in the Provider profile this field is not necessary unless you are trying to double book this provider across 2 different exam rooms.

Auto-populate- Once this is turn on, the slots configured in the template will begin to populate in the Schedule tab. Other wise slots need to me added manually.

It is best to start out with auto-populating a few days as you are working on your templates and once everything is confirmed and tested, update it to populate 30 days out. This is because once a date has its slots populated in the Schedule tab, any changes you make to the template after that will not be reflected.

Make sure you select all of the correct days for this template- simply check the boxes for the corresponding days of the week

Increment- The increment you select will adjust how frequently appointments will be offered in your scheduling widget. For example, if you want appointments to be available every half-hour, then the 30-minute increment is appropriate.

Appt Length- Used to cap out the max duration of an appointment type that would be allow to be booked in that slot

For example:



When you do not build in breaks, and everything is connected, any appointment length will be able to be booked at any of the increment times. (i.e. a 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min appointment could be booked at 8:15am as long as the full block of time is available on the providers schedule.)






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