Athena Availability Troubleshooting

Athena Availability Troubleshooting

Appointment Types Not Showing on Schedule

Say you have a provider added, but some of their slots are not pulling the right availability by appointment type. See screenshot below:

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Appointment Length: Ensure that the appointment types are the appropriate amount of time. For the example in the screenshot above, make sure that the appointment types that are trying to fit in that spot are not longer than 15 minutes. The easiest way to do this is to go to the settings gear → Schedule → Appointment Types (in Athena) and check the length of the appointment type you are looking to schedule.

  2. Appointment Type: If the appointment type for that slot on the schedule is not a generic appointment type, please ensure whether or not that specific appointment type is available for scheduling online. Typically, schedules in Athena will be built with generic appointment types so that any appointment type can be scheduled in that slot. To ensure that your appointment type is generic, go to the Settings gear → Schedule → Appointment Types. Check that this is set to “Yes” for your appointment type:

  3. Appointment Reason: If your Athena tablespace uses appointment reasons, you may need to configure appointment reasons for the appointment types at your practice. To edit these reasons, in the Schedule Admin settings, click “Appointment Settings” and “Edit Settings” under the correct location in order to map appointment types to their respective reasons configured in Athena.

  4. Slot Restrictions: If your Athena tablespace does NOT use appointment reasons and you wish to restrict the appointment types that can be scheduled in a generic appointment slot, you likely utilize the Slot Restrictions feature within NextPatient:

    These Slot Restrictions can be turned on by your NextPatient Account Manager. To configure your generic appointment slots, click “configure”, choose the generic appointment type you wish to restrict types for, and then select the appropriate appointment types you want to fit into that generic slot. In doing this, the provider’s schedule will update immediately to reflect the correct appointment types that NextPatient can schedule into generic slots.

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